Academic Shoot

The composition rule that has been used here was framing. I did follow the rule, because the people at the table are being framed and emphasized by the bookshelves and the wall. The subject of the picture is the guy working on homework at the table. It should be very lear what the subject of the picture is. 

This picture shows the composition rule of leading 
lines. I did follow this rule because you have not only
 the tree branches in the foreground lead to the subject, 
but also the roof of the building in the background, 
leading you towards the main subject. The subject of 
the picture is the girl in the blue shirt. It should be made 
very clear that the subject of the picture because there is
 nothing to truly distract you from her and she takes up 
most of the picture. 

This picture shows the rule of balance. I did follow the rule because there are two people who are wearing the same color and have  a mostly reflexive background/foreground. The subject in the picture is both people playing chess. The subject might become hard to see because of the guy in the back which could pose as a distraction. This could have been avoided by waiting till the background was completely clear of people before taking the picture.


  1. I really like the first photo because the framing of the bookshelves and the beam holding the trophies make it look really cool :)

  2. I like the simplicity of the second photo. Overall, your pictures are really good!

  3. I like how the second photo is well exposed and it fills the frame. I also really like how you got the bookshelves to frame the subject in the first photo.

  4. I like the second photo because the photo is simple and clear and is very bright.

  5. These are very good. Some of the tops I have seen in your class. As a group they are excellent. I like that you were creative and clearly adjusted your body and camera with different angles and perspectives. It is hard for me to choose my favorite, but the top one is probably the best. I love the height and depth you created. The second is tight and has a nice facial expression. The bottom is also well balanced. Great work here.


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