Funny Captions

Grandma Ronda flicks off husband Gerald Micheal at their home on a Monday morning, Micheal makes a remark after she told him he looks like an old man and he snaps back with how her outfit makes her look like an old lady, she gets heated. Both Ronda and Gerald despise being told they look old, they think they look very young and wild, which contradicts everyones else opinion. 
Walt Disney, Barney Boozer, and Pedro Windex all make funny faces while Pam Spray just wasn't having it, they are just chilling in the park on a sunny morning, the photographer attempts to take a goofy picture of all of them for the newspaper with his camera. The photographer calls out say cheese and Pam was absolutely disgusted and at the last second flips up her middle finger, Pam hates cheese with a passion.
Betty Blue is spotted trying to race the car behind her on a chilly Sunday morning in Wisconsin and successfully doing so, all due to her super charged electric scooter she has beef with the car behind her so she is just trying to prove to not mess with granny. The people in the other car are Blue's now frenemies, all because they made a comment about how they thought Blue's gum was too spicy, that really triggered Blue. The people in the other cars names are Margret Pany, Linda Jomp and Wanda Ponda. 


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