Carter Scruggs won a student of the month award at James Bowie High school last month, February. Receiving this award is a huge honor as well as, an important accomplishment. Scruggs has been working hard for this award by doing his homework, balancing all of his activities with school and staying organized.
The award is determined by how his peers and teachers see his success in his work. Scruggs tells us a little bit about how he does it.
"When I get home from school I immediately do my homework, and then I will go work out in my backyard when I finish," freshman Scruggs said. Scruggs enjoys a few of his core classes and works hard in them so that he's able to focus on playing sports , creating a balance.
"I have a bigger workload the year compared to last year and about 2 hours of homework every night," Scruggs said. Scruggs has straight A's and he takes all Pre-AP classes and advanced classes.
"He's a very bright and smart student, who isn’t uptight, but still stays focused and gets his work done in class," Warner said. Math has always come to easy to Scruggs and he's been on the 1st Honor Roll at her old middle school for all three years.
"Yes, it boosted my self esteem and just goes to show that when you put your mind to something, you can achieve great things," Scruggs said. Scruggs has found out how much more confidence he has gained, since winning the Student of the Month award.
"I believe that if you set your mind to something you should persevere and be patient, you should never give up, because you might regret it in the end," Scruggs said. Scruggs gives advice for others aspiring to receive Student of the Month.
"I expected it to come because I have been trying really hard to receive this honor, but it came sooner than I expected," Scruggs said. He has been working very hard to receive this award, and has eyes set on the award since he first heard about it at the beginning of the year.
"My extracurriculars include; soccer and basketball," said Scruggs. He play soccer outside of school, and he is part of the Bowie Basketball team, and is a part of the class as well.
"I would prefer that the award went to someone else, who deserves it more, since I already received the honor, instead of getting the award twice," said Scruggs. The Student of the Month Award can be received more than once in a students high school career at Bowie High School, but only once per year.
"You have to put in lots of hard work and dedication, but then at the end you will feel like all your hard work has paid of," said Scruggs. Although becoming Student of the Month sounds like a lot of hard work, it also comes with great rewards.
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